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The Cleanse!


Cleanse: 1. To remove dirt, filth, etc, from. 2. To make clean. Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. – Jim Rohn With everything there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things. Fact? a Cleanse does work! It’s usually a diet of strictly liquid based…

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Shakeology; Fact or Fiction?


“It will help you with gaining energy, lose excess weight, naturally lower your cholesterol, tighten skin, increases hair and nail growth, aid digestion and increase regularity.” Are the claims made about shakeology real?  The simple answer is … YES. When I first heard about the meal replacement, the only thing that registered was the price. There was …

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Slap dehydration before it knocks you out!


  de-hy-drate [dee-hahy-dreyt] verb, -drat-ed, -drat-ing. -verb (used with object) to deprive (a chemical compound) of water or the elements of water. to free (fruit, vegetables, etc.) from moisture for preservation; dry. to remove water from (the body or a tissue). Signs you might be dehydrated: Thirst Dry mouth Small amounts of urine or can’t…

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My Diet; How I like to eat!


I am not now nor have I ever been an “expert”, a licensed nutritionist, or a certification anything! I know what works for me and how I like to eat. I use common sense and personal results as a guide. (there are also some really good books to read. I’ll mention those later!) This is not a meal…

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When the manatee snapped..


It’s funny how life can sneak up on you. Ya know? Everything getting you so distracted that it gets easy to lose track of your self and with all the easy ways to get around eating these days its no wonder we can’t keep track! I’ve always been chubby. Bad eating growing up? Quite possible!…

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Motivation is a T-Rex!


“The time is going to pass for all of us the same, what you choose to do with it is everything because you are either working to build your dream or someone else’s” Larry Zimberg Motivation by definition “ the driving force which causes us to achieve goals.” Whether it’s doing the laundry, finishing that dreaded…

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