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Motivation- Never give up

Motivation is what gets you going habit is what keeps you going. I hope this post will get you motivated to start your workout routine.  If you need help along the way please make me your coach (its free) by clicking the button to the right or by clicking here    


Join the Beachbody Challenge

One of the best ways to achieve great results in anything is to form a team to get it done. When you have a small group of people focused on the same goals, with the same tools and drive by a similar desire you have a team that is unstoppable. That is why I am putting together a couple of Hot…

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Slap dehydration before it knocks you out!

  de-hy-drate [dee-hahy-dreyt] verb, -drat-ed, -drat-ing. -verb (used with object) to deprive (a chemical compound) of water or the elements of water. to free (fruit, vegetables, etc.) from moisture for preservation; dry. to remove water from (the body or a tissue). Signs you might be dehydrated: Thirst Dry mouth Small amounts of urine or can’t pee. Urine color is dark…

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Motivation is a T-Rex!

“The time is going to pass for all of us the same, what you choose to do with it is everything because you are either working to build your dream or someone else’s” Larry Zimberg Motivation by definition “ the driving force which causes us to achieve goals.” Whether it’s doing the laundry, finishing that dreaded paper work, building a business,…

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Focus on the goal!

My goal for January was to kick the new year off right. I sat down, and without any real thought or plan I decided to commit to something. That however is a story for another time. (I’m sure you’ll read about it somewhere) The point is; I failed. The question is, how? How did I fail, and how can I not…

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