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My Diet; How I like to eat!

I am not now nor have I ever been an “expert”, a licensed nutritionist, or a certification anything! I know what works for me and how I like to eat. I use common sense and personal results as a guide. (there are also some really good books to read. I’ll mention those later!) This is not a meal plan, just use of common sense in everyday eating, and a nudge in the right direction.
Prepare your kitchen. If you can toss out all the junk and crap, do so! Chips? Gone! Soda? Gone! Anything not on the following diet you can’t store or give away? Gone!
If you live with some one that wont support your healthy eating and refuses to ditch the junk, section off their space and your space. Ask them for a favor to at least keep their food hidden and/our out of sight out of mind.

What to eat!

Lots of water. 48oz-128oz a day! (There’s only 16oz in a small bottle of water)
- Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast
- Ground Turkey
- 92%-96% lean ground beef
- Black Bean Burger
- Fish
- Egg Whites
- Protein Powder (1 serving)
-Sweet potato (1 small or 1/2 a large. Pain or with cinnamon) No *Regular Potatoes!
-Whole wheat bread (if you NEED bread. Make sure to look for whole wheat, not enriched or bleached and no *HFCS!)
-Oatmeal (Pain or with cinnamon)
-Flat-outs! (Fantastic flat wraps you can get anywhere)
Vegetables! (As much as you want) -Can Add seasoning. Garlic is perfect for this!
- Spinach
- Mixed Veggies
- Peas
- Broccoli
- Green Beans
- Green/Red/Yellow Bell Peppers
- Mushrooms
- Onions.
Fruits! – Avoid *bananas and most fruits! (1/2 a cup)
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- any “berry”
Dairy! – Low fat and in small moderation.
Mixed nuts! – sea salt or unsalted. (One small handful or serving size!)
Legumes! (1 cup) – (Optional. If you want to keep them around.) -Can Add seasoning. Garlic is perfect for this!
- Lentils
- Black Beans
- Pinto Beans
- Red Beans
- Soy Beans

How to eat!

Meal #1: Breakfast
Carbs (w/ cinnamon or berries)
Meal #2: Snack
Mixed nuts
Dairy (OR) berries
Meal #3: Lunch
Meal #4: Snack
Mixed nuts (or Shakeology if you didn’t have it for breakfast)
Meal #5: Dinner
Meal #6: Before Bed Snack (2-3 hours before sleep!)
Protein (Shake is recommended)
*HFCS – High Fructose Corn Syrup
*”Regular” Potatoes, those heavy white ones are starchy and bad, though tasty.. I know, I’m Irish. :’(
*Fruit: All those “Natural” and “Healthy” sugars are still sugars. Remember that one gram of sugar is still sugar one carb. so YES those are better than granulated and WAY better than HFCS but we still need to eat them in small amounts :)

