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New Year, New Me!

Well here it is once again! It’s the new year and already through half the month! Or should I say 13 days into 2013!

I lost a ton of weight a few years back then something in me got comfortable. As you can see in my After pic (“New Before” picture below), I’m not in great shape, but I was feeling awesome! Of course there’s nothing wrong with feeling amazing, especially after shedding a few of those unwanted pounds… but I made the mistake of thinking good was good enough and I stopped. I maintained 170lbs and 33% body-fat thinking it was “good enough” and “I look fine”. Thank God pictures never say the same thing and over the Summer and into Fall when some pictures of me were taken I was genuinely embarrassed and begin to feel more self conscious than ever! I believed I looked like 240 again, and i felt like it! However, I feel confidant that 2013 is going to be my best year ever! I’m sticking to my New Years Resolution to get to my goal weight!

I’m taking the old  ”after” me (“New Before” picture below) and turning her into the new before me! I started my NEW YEARS RESOLUTION and I’m not stopping until Jan 1st 2014 when I remake my goals! So cheers! To not being a statistic and giving up on any resolution or goals for the next 12 months. To not quitting and “settling” for sufficient! I’m ready to change my body so that this summer I’m going to truly be HOT!

If you want to #behotbysummer Join me and lets set a fire together

be hot by summer, angela horton

Can’t wait to see my NEW after pictures? Stay tuned. ;)